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Jerry Rojas - Arguilly

Wide Landscape

Jerry Rojas - Komposition, Gitarre und Percussion

Enkh Jargal -  Morin Khoor (Pferdekopfgeige) und Stimme

Birgit Hauser - Stimme

Gabriel Rojas - Cornet

Andrea Clavadetscher - Granular Electronics

Recording by Andy Kruesi and Didier Maag

Mixing and Mastering by Kruesi Sound Engineering & Desing

Produced by Andy Kruesi andy Jerry Rojas

Executive Producer  www.momentum-music.ch

Weitere Infos unter: www.jerryrojas.ch

Momentum Logo

Nova Scotia

Sunday on a stral

With expanded eyes

Notion motion

Wide land

Jerry Rojas on Guitar
Enkh Jargal -  Morin Khoor
Andy Kruesi Recording Session
Jerry and Gabriel Rojas
Jerry Rojas on Guitar
Enkh Jargal -  Morin Khoor
Enkh Jargal -  Morin Khoor

-  ARGUILLY - Wide landscape - Jerry Rojas -

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